
Frequently Asked Questions - FAQ?

99Corporates is India’s #1 Corporate Business Portal owned, developed and maintained by DATALIGENCE INFOTECH PVT. LTD. 99Corporates is India's leading provider of commercial information and insights on businesses.

99Corporates provides officially sourced information on businesses incorporated in India. 99Corporates is used to access financial data, shareholder information and contact information of limited companies.

  Financial Institutes like PSB, Private Banks, Foreign Banks, RRBs, Co-operative Banks use 99Corporates.com to assess credit worthiness before sanctioning loans and other credit facilities to individuals & non-individuals for their business/personal requirements.

  Businesses use 99Corporates for customer acquisition and marketing.

  New home buyers use 99Corporates to assess financial capacity of developers.

  Exporters and Importers use 99Corporates to assess credit worthiness of their foreign suppliers and customers.

99Corporates includes details of all Limited companies and associated directors for the purpose of credit checking and due diligence. We use publicly available data sources and API's to extract company data and group it together in a logical way.

There is no restriction on the publication of this data, which is available to view on various public platforms, including credit reference agencies, business directories and government websites

When a limited company is incorporated, it has a legal obligation under the respective country's company law to make certain business details available for public inspection. This includes registration details, financial accounts and director information. The level of detail available will depend on the relative country's filing obligations.

The information on 99Corporates is all a matter of public record, and is sourced from the official registers, and from published government data. We aim to be an accurate copy of this and other records, and thus do not remove companies or data that are in the public record.

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A business profile is the one in which a business / company which is looking for various Business requirements of Investment, Acquisition, Loan, Mentorship and Incubation support.

A Business profile can be created by Business owner / Members of the business who are looking for various Business requirements of Investment, Acquisition, Loan, Mentorship and Incubation support.

Revealing the business name is most important to verify the credentials of your business. Your business name will be kept in privacy and will be revealed to the persons who connect with you through 99Corporates.

Revealing the business details is most important to verify the credentials of your business. Your basic business name will be revealed to 99Corporates website users. These business details will be the first point of information revealed to the investors.

The facilities section can contain information regarding any warehouse of your business, any office space or any similar information.

A "business profile" also called a "sell side profile" can be any of the following: If you feel that the industry / sector of your business is not available, please write to info@99corporates.com, we'll make sure that your industry / sector is added to the listing within 5 working days of your request.

For the financial details, we have provided for you to reveal Annual Sales, Gross Income, Inventory Value, EBITDA, EBITDA Margin and Rentals (if any) for the latest financial year. Among the above information, we are in mandatory requirement of Annual Sales, Gross Income and EBITDA for the latest financial year.

EBITDA is Earnings Before Interest, Tax, Depreciation and Amortization. It is basically used to measure the operating performance (Cash Flow) of the company. It is calculated from the data of the company�s income statement.

  EBITDA = Revenue � Expenses (excluding interest, taxes, depreciation and amortization)

  EBITDA = Operating Profit + Depreciation Expense + Amortization Expense

  EBITDA Margin is the measure of Business Operating performance with respect to the Total Revenue (Total Sales).

  EBITDA Margin = (EBITDA / Total Revenue)

The optimum EBITDA Margin for the businesses varies for the based on the industry sector. Different companies have different EBITDA Margin.

If you have any land space / any shop / any warehouse which is currently under rent or gaining rent for the particular space can be mentioned in the field. Please mention in the rentals column the information that is only associated with the concerned Business Listing.

Yes, 99Corporates helps in valuation of your business. We have our separate valuation partner BizEquity which helps in valuation of your business.

Stake is the percentage of ownership that you are willing to give for the amount of investment that you are seeking for your business. The value for stake should be between 1% to 99%. If the stake is 100%, the situation is full acquisition of the business. Hence

Your Business profile will be kept with confidentiality with 99Corporates. But you cannot keep your basic contact information as a completely confidential because the complete Business information is revealed to other person once you get introduced with them.

As far as now, you can add 4 Business team members.

The mentorship / incubator-ship field of support is the field in which you would require mentorship or any further support. This helps the mentors and the incubators in the website to understand your required field of support and reach-out to you directly.

A Start-up profile is a business / company which is having the date of incorporation not more than 5 years from the current date. According to a Government notification by Department of Industry Policy and Promotion, a Start-up is one which has fulfilled the following criteria.

  The date of incorporation should be less than 5 years

  The turnover does not exceed Rs.25 Crores in the last 5 financial years

  It is working towards innovation, development, deployment, and commercialisation of new products, processes, or services driven by technology or intellectual property

In 99Corporates, we have created a separate option for a Start-up profile so that Start-ups can be identified separately from the established businesses.

A Start-up profile can be created by any person who is from the particular Start-up. Please be make sure that the person who is creating the Start-up profile is mostly the Founder / Co-Founder or from the top management in the particular start-up.

It is most important to reveal the start-up details so that when you are getting connected with an investor, the investor would be able to view the details of the Start-up.

It is most important to reveal the start-up details so that when you are getting connected with an investor, the investor would be able to view the details of the Start-up.

99Corporates allows creating Broker profiles for the Business brokers, who are into the selling of the Business on behalf of the owners. It also allows other profiles to interact with the Broker profile for their business requirements. 99Corporates allows two kinds of Broker profiles to be created which has been mentioned below.

  Profile for Individual broker

  Profile for Professionals working in Brokerage firms

Yes. 99Corporates has a registration fees for creating the broker profile. You will be informed about the amount for creating the broker profile while creating the Broker profile.

A Broker will be able to sell the business on behalf of the seller. He can also get introduced with other profiles in the platform.

For the basic profile of a Broker, 99Corporates allows to post one business listings. Further business listings can be listed based on the various payment plans.

99Corporates restricts the Broker profile to create any other profile if the broker profile is created. Also if you have any other profile, you would not be able to create Broker profile.

Investor profile is the one through which one can get connected with the Businesses and Start-ups to invest in the business of his choice.

99Corporates allows creating investor profiles which will be of individuals. But the type of investor profiles will be based on whether the profile is created for an separate individual or a person working in investment firm. The different types of investor profiles in 99Corporates are :

  Individual Investor

  Persons working in Investment arm of a Corporate Firm

  Persons working in Venture Capital firm

  Persons working in Private Equity firm

There are two types of investor profiles. The investor profiles types are based on the purpose the profile is created. The two purpose of profile creation are either it is for an individual or it's by a person working in an investment firm (Corporate / VC / PE).

Yes. Persons who are working in investment firms (Corporate / VC / PE) can create Investor profiles which will be verified with our verification process.

There are no criteria to create an investor profile. But for the verification status of the investor profile you would be required to produce the verification documents and other requirement to get you completely verified.

You can give the preferred sector for your investment requirement. This will be the one of the criteria for the Business to contact you. If you have given multiple sectors as your preference, businesses of those sectors will be able to reach-out to you.

Please be noted that you are allowed to reach-out to business which are not in your sector preference and Businesses who are not in you sector preference will be reaching out to you also. The field is predominantly to capture your preferences to get you connected easily with businesses.

If you feel that the sector of your preference is not available in the listing, please reach-out to us to get the sector / industry preference added in the listing.

99Corporates provides two kinds of investment preference to get your money to be invested as mentioned below.

  You can give your preference to get your money invested in a Business for a particular stake in the Business

  You can give your preference to make acquisition / purchase a business completely

Business stake here refers to the Equity stake in the Business. It is the percentage of ownership that has been held by a person in a company. Based on the amount of stake owned by a person / company, they can exercise some level of control, influence or participation in the activities of the company.

A lender profile is the one which is created by any person who is ready to lend to a business. The persons who are ready to disburse loan to the businesses, taking care of the Debt part of the business.

Any person who is ready to lend to a business can create a Lender profile. He can either be an individual lender or a person working in a lending firm.

99Corporates provides three types of Lending profiles. The profiles are created by individuals only and the types of profiles are given below.

  Individuals working in Banks

  Individuals working in Non-Banking Financial Company (NBFC)

  Individuals who are capable of lending on their own capacity

Yes. 99Corporates provides the opportunity of the persons who are working in Banks and NBFCs to create profiles of their own so that they can reach out to the businesses for lending or can be reached by the businesses for their loan requirements.

For the Lender profiles where the person is working in the bank, he can be either working in a Private Sector Bank or a Public Sector Bank. For the Lender profiles where the person is working in the NBFCs, he should be working in any of the NBFCs that are registered with the RBI only.

There are no criteria to create a Lender profile. But for the verification status of the Lender profile you would be required to produce the verification documents and other requirement to get you completely verified.

You can give the preferred sector for your investment requirement. This will be the one of the criteria for the Business to contact you. If you have given multiple sectors as your preference, businesses of those sectors will be able to reach-out to you. Please be noted that you are allowed to reach-out to business which are not in your sector preference and Businesses who are not in you sector preference will be reaching out to you also. The field is predominantly to capture your preferences to get you connected easily with businesses. If you feel that the sector of your preference is not available in the listing, please reach-out to us to get the sector / industry preference added in the listing.

99Corporates provides you to give the below mentioned information to share with the website users so that if they feel that the information shared is relevant to them, they will be reaching out to you.

  Loan Services Offered

  Lending Capacity

  Sector Preference

  Location Preference

The lending capacity should contain the information about the capacity range of lending to be done for the business. The lending capacity should be given in an appropriate currency.

A Mentor profile is the one which is predominantly created for individuals who are ready to give mentorship to the businesses and start-ups with their individual capacities

Mentor profile can be created by the below mentioned professionals

  Corporate Professionals working in Organizations

  Educational Professionals working in Educational Institutions

In 99Corporates, we have provided to create mentor profiles based on the profession of the person. The two types of Mentor profiles available with 99Corporates are mentioned below.

  Mentor from a Corporate company

  Mentor from an Educational Institution

No. 99Corporates for now has allowed creating profiles only from the current two types of profession. May be in the future we might increase the list.

Yes. 99Corporates allows individuals working in Incubator companies to create Mentor profiles. But the profile created will be of only the individuals and will not be related anything to the Incubator profile.

Business incubators are organizations geared toward speeding up the growth and success of Start-ups and early stage companies.

The incubator profile allows you to mention the following information to be shared with the website visitors.

  Professional experience in years & the sector of expertise

  Subject expertise

  Preferred sectors for the incubation support

  Preferred location of the Business reach of the Incubator

99Corporates allows two different persons form the same Incubator Company to create Incubator profiles. But we would take issues if two profiles are giving contradictory information for the same Incubator Company.

99Corporates allows the Incubator profiles to reach-out to the Businesses and Start-ups listed in the site. You can get connected with the Businesses / Start-ups and also the vice versa of the Business / Start-ups reaching out to you.

You are free to take your conversations ahead between the profile of introduction and yourself after getting introduced.

You can give the preferred sector for your investment requirement. This will be the one of the criteria for the Business to contact you. If you have given multiple sectors as your preference, businesses of those sectors will be able to reach-out to you.

Please be noted that you are allowed to reach-out to business which are not in your sector preference and Businesses who are not in you sector preference will be reaching out to you also. The field is predominantly to capture your preferences to get you connected easily with businesses

If you feel that the sector of your preference is not available in the listing, please reach-out to us to get the sector / industry preference added in the listing.